The LLVM Project Blog

LLVM Project News and Details from the Trenches

LLVM 3.7 Release

It is my pleasure to announce that LLVM 3.7.0 is now available!

Get it here:

This release contains the work of the LLVM community over the past six months: full OpenMP 3.1 support (behind a flag), the On Request Compilation (ORC) JIT API, a new backend for Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF), Control Flow Integrity checking, as well as improved optimizations, new Clang warnings, many bug fixes, and more.

For details on what's new, see the release notes [LLVM, Clang].

Many thanks to everyone who helped with testing, fixing, and getting the release into a good state!

Special thanks to the volunteer release builders and testers, without whom this release would not be possible: Dimitry Andric, Sebastian Dreßler, Renato Golin, Pavel Labath, Sylvestre Ledru, Ed Maste, Ben Pope, Daniel Sanders, and Nikola Smiljanić!

If you have any questions or comments about this release, please contact the community on the mailing lists. Onwards to 3.8!