The LLVM Project Blog

LLVM Project News and Details from the Trenches

LLVM and Google Season of Docs

The LLVM Project is pleased to announce that we have been selected to participate in Google’s Season of Docs!

Our project idea list may be found here:

From now until May 29th, technical writers are encouraged to review the proposed project ideas and to ask any questions you have on our mailing list. Other documentation ideas are allowed, but we can not guarantee that a mentor will be found for the project. You are encouraged to discuss new ideas on the mailing list prior to submitting your technical writer application, in order to start the process of finding a mentor.

When submitting your application for an LLVM documentation project, please consider the following:

  • Include Prior Experience: Do you have prior technical writing experience? We want to see this! Considering including links to prior documentation or attachments of documentation you have written. If you can’t include a link to the actual documentation, please describe in detail what you wrote, who the audience was, and any other important information that can help us gauge your prior experience. Please also include any experience with Sphinx or other documentation generation tools.
  • Take your time writing the proposal: We will be looking closely at your application to see how well it is written. Take the time to proofread and know who your audience is.
  • Propose your plan for our documentation project: We have given a rough idea of what changes or topics we envision for the documentation, but this is just a start. We expect you to take the idea and expand or modify it as you see fit. Review our existing documentation and see how it would compliment or replace other pieces. Optionally include an overview or document design or layout plan in your application.
  • Become familiar with our project: We don’t expect you to become a compiler expert, but we do expect you read up on our project to learn a bit about LLVM.

We look forward to working with some fabulous technical writers and improving our documentation. Again, please email with your questions.