The LLVM Project Blog

LLVM Project News and Details from the Trenches

  • LLVM 3.3 Vectorization Improvements

    I would like to give a brief update regarding vectorization in LLVM. When LLVM 3.2 was released, it featured a new experimental loop vectorizer that was disabled by default. Since LLVM 3.

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  • EuroLLVM 2013, Paris, France

    Two days after the end of EuroLLVM 2013, I finally got the energy to write a piece about it. It was a lot of hard work by an amazing team of volunteer organizers lead by Tobias Grosser, Duncan Sands, Sylvestre Ledru and Arnaud de Grandmaison, plus the usual suspects of the previous events, and in the end there was very little that had gone wrong, even in the slightest.

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  • Clang support for C++11 and beyond

    As of r179861, Clang implements the entirety of the C++11 language standard. The following features have been implemented since the release of Clang 3.2, along with our plans for "

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  • Euro LLVM 2013 in Paris

    In two weeks, the 2013 edition of the Euro LLVM conference will start in historic center of Paris, France.  The schedule has just been published.  Most of different aspects of the LLVM infrastructure will present at the event.

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  • Status of the C++11 Migrator

    Since the design document for cpp11-migrate, the C++11 migrator tool, was first proposed in early December 2012 development has been making steady progress. In this article I'll talk about what's been implemented in cpp11-migrate so far, what's coming up, and how you can get involved.

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  • Static analysis tools: using Clang in CppDepend

    Static analysis is a method of computer program debugging that is done by examining the code without executing the program. The process provides an understanding of the code structure, can help to ensure that the code adheres to industry standards, and can find bugs not easy to detect.

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  • LLVM Recipient of the 2012 ACM System Software Award

    The ACM just announced that the LLVM project is the recipient of the 2012 ACM System Software Award. This award recognizes a "software system that has had a lasting influence, reflected in contributions to concepts, in commercial acceptance, or both.

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  • LLVM Debian/Ubuntu nightly packages

    In order to facilitate testing and to improve the deployment of the LLVM toolchain, we are happy to publish LLVM Debian/Ubuntu nightly packages. Read on for information about how it works and what we're building.

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  • Testing libc++ with -fsanitize=undefined

    [This article is re-posted in a slightly expanded form from Marshall's blog] After my last article, Testing libc++ with Address Sanitizer, I thought "what other tests can I run?" Address Sanitizer (ASan) is not the only "

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  • Testing libc++ with Address Sanitizer

    [This article is re-posted in a slightly expanded form from Marshall's blog] I've been running the libc++ tests off and on for a while. It's a quite extensive test suite, but I wondered if there were any bugs that the test suite was not uncovering.

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