30% faster Windows builds with clang-cl and the new /Zc:dllexportInlines- flag
Background In the course of adding Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) compatible Windows support to Clang, we worked hard to make sure the dllexport and dllimport declspecs are handled the same way by Clang as by MSVC.
Integration of libc++ and OpenMP packages into llvm-toolchain
A bit more than a year ago, we gave an update about recent changes in apt.llvm.org. Since then, we noticed an important increase of the usage of the service. Just last month, we saw more than 16.
Announcing the new LLVM Foundation Board of Directors
The LLVM Foundation is pleased to announce its new Board of Directors: Chandler Carruth Mike Edwards (Treasurer) Hal Finkel Arnaud de Grandmaison Anton Korobeynikov Tanya Lattner (President) Chris Lattner John Regehr (Secretary) Tom Stellard Two new members and seven continuing members were elected to the nine person board.
Announcing the program for the 2018 LLVM Developers' Meeting Bay Area
The LLVM Foundation is excited to announce the program for the 2018 LLVM Developers' Meeting in San Jose, CA on October 17 & 18. As a reminder, ticket prices for the event will increase on September 17th.
2018 LLVM Foundation's Women in Compilers and Tools Workshop
The LLVM Foundation is excited to announce our first half day Women in Compilers and Tools Workshop held the day before the 2018 LLVM Developers’ Meeting - Bay Area.
DragonFFI: FFI/JIT for the C language using Clang/LLVM
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International Women's Day: Celebrating all the women in the LLVM Community!
Today is International Women's Day! To all the women in the LLVM community, thank you for all your contributions! The LLVM Foundation values diversity within the LLVM community and the field of compilers and tools.
Clang is now used to build Chrome for Windows
As of Chrome 64, Chrome for Windows is compiled with Clang. We now use Clang to build Chrome for all platforms it runs on: macOS, iOS, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Windows.
EuroLLVM'18 developers' meeting program
The LLVM Foundation is excited to announce the program for the EuroLLVM'18 developers' meeting (April 16 - 17 in Bristol/UK) ! KeynotesThe Cerberus Memory Object Semantics for ISO and De Facto C P.
LLVM accepted to 2018 Google Summer of Code!
We are excited to announce the LLVM project has been accepted to 2018 Google Summer of Code! What is Google Summer of Code? Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program focused on introducing students to open source software development.
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